Book signing on June 22nd from noon to 3 PM at the Breakwater Bookstore in Guilford, CT.

A Novel by Mark Perlman
Book signing on June 22nd from noon to 3 PM at the Breakwater Bookstore in Guilford, CT.
Dani, the store owner, was very hospitable, and made my visit there very worthwhile.
Author talk to Rotary members at Sliders restaurant
“The Reluctant Soldier” is at the Elm Street bookstore on 10/14.
About 50 CT. authors promote their book(s) at the CT. Book Fair in West Hartford’s Civic Center.
Mark Perlman signed books and talked to passersby at the Garlic Festival in Mystic, CT on a sunny Sunday. Kirby, my French Bulldog is my publicist.
Niantic Rotary President and Mark Perlman.
Mark Perlman is one of about 40 authors selling and signing books in downtown Branford.