“The Reluctant Soldier” was selected to be on a panel discussion about historical fiction at the famous R J Julia Booksellers.

A Novel by Mark Perlman
“The Reluctant Soldier” was selected to be on a panel discussion about historical fiction at the famous R J Julia Booksellers.
Niantic Rotary President and Mark Perlman.
Author, Mark Perlman, visits his third Atria facility this year.
Author, Mark Perlman, speaks at the New Haven Kiwanis Club on 9/7 at noon at the Graduate Club.
Mark Perlman, author of the “Reluctant Soldier” gives a presentation at the Norwich Vets breakfast meeting.
Mark Perlman gives a presentation to the New Canaan Rotary Club on 8/03 about the life and times of the Reluctant Soldier.
Mark Perlman gives presentation to members of the Madison Rotary Club on 7/27.
Meriden Rotary Club: April 18th. Wilton Kiwanis Club: May 10th. WSM Rotary Club: May 4th. Thrive 55+ Senior Center: May 9th. Milford Rotary Club: May 25th. New Haven Rotary Club: May 30th.
Event director takes pic with Mark Perlman after the talk about “The Reluctant Soldier”.
Great group of veterans hear from Mark Perlman about “The Reluctant Soldier”.